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The top 8 decor secrets to a trendy home in 2019 (part 1)

Mini Seeds

With a good start for 2019 Mini Seeds had put together all 2019 home hottest trends.

Fresh look for your family home doesn't have to be expensive. With little touches and tweeks,you can keep your space uptodate &trendy.

We always encourage personalised touches to make your house cozy and warm and most importantly YOURS.

Check our 2019 interior trends list and pick your favs and start your home transformation.

1-Velevt furnishings

Yes, Velvet is coming back and will be one of 2019 most desired elements in our homes, Luxurious yet funky and fresh.

Is it the most kid-friendly fabric in the market? Maybe not !

if you really want one velevet sofa go for one of those waterproofing sprays with it.

2-Floral patterns

Although it has been here since 2018, this trend will have a little shift with bigger proportions and bolder colours.

3-Concrete accents

Providing a crisp, clean look that’s easy to compliment with brass and gold.

Concrete isn’t just for countertops and bathroom sinks.

Geometric concrete tiles will become popular and one of the next year​'​s hottest design trends.

4-Rich colour pallates

In 2019 colours are bolder, after pastels have been for a long time the way to go, now richer colours are mixed with neutral for a bolder more daring looks.

Think navy blue, deep red, and burnt orange, dark green to really bring some excitement into your house.

We make it our mission to help transform Ottawa's family homes one at a time. Let's bring beauty into our lives.

For more 2019 interior trends, follow us on face book or sign up to our mailing list where we only share or favs, trends, tips of the interior design world.

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